October 7th, 2020:
GarageSale 8.2 is out and it's all about performance: No matter if you are selecting several thousands eBay listing, frequently perform searches that return a lot of results, or simply want to move a couple of hundred listings to the Trash, you will notice a definite improvement in GarageSale's responsiveness.
While we are at it, we also removed the old limit of 5000 items which could be bulk-edited simultaneously in the Inspector.
GarageSale 8.2 also includes improvements for working with smart groups and selling car parts. More details can be found on GarageSale's download page.
If you have questions about GarageSale, don't hesitate to get in touch with us, either through the GarageSale forum or by contacting us directly.
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May 14th, 2020:
GarageSale 8.1, a much improved version of our eBay client for the Mac, is out.
Here is a short list of the most important changes for GarageSale 8.1:
Parts Compatibility: When listing vehicle parts, you can now specify a list of compatible vehicles on eBay USA Motors, eBay Germany, eBay Australia and eBay UK.
CSV Import for Listings: GarageSale can import listings from files in arbitrary CSV formats. You can specify what column in your CSV file is mapped to what listing or inventory field in GarageSale.
Automatic Cancellation: When listings fixed-price items, you can now tell GarageSale to cancel your listing automatically a certain period before eBay renews your listings.
A comprehensive list of new features for GarageSale 8 and 8.1 is available here. To download GarageSale 8.1 on to your Mac right away, please visit our GarageSale page.
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January 10th, 2020:
GarageSale 8.0.10 is out, sporting a number of much requested usability improvements. Here is what's new:
- multiple images in Editor mode can be rotated at once
- the 'Paste Listings Components' command lets you paste images copied from another listing into your selected listings
- selecting multiple images while holding down the Shift key in Editor mode behaves more predictable
- reduced CPU usage when editing descriptions in Preview mode
- fixed crash when a duplicated listings was moved to the Trash while displaying search results
- the 'Start' button in the Launch Control window can now be triggered by pressing the Return key
- clicking the '+' in the Text Snippets window no longer discards current edits
- if an order's shipping address contains a ReferenceID field, the contents of this field is now send to the Endicia postage software
- fixed an issue where the Tarif Code table in the Global Shipping tab of the Shipping settings was initially empty
- the "Move Listing To:" popup button in the Automatic Restart options works again
- the "Show Media Browser" button will always bring the Media browser window to front, instead of closing it when it's already open (only applies when you are using the System's Media browser)
- various crash fixes
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December 19th, 2019:
GarageSale 8.0.8 ist out. Even though the version bump is only minor, we tried to put many useful improvements into this release. Here is a list of what's new:
- shipping service can be hidden from the shipping service popup menus via the "Show/Hide" services command at the bottom of a menu
- added 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, and 1 week as additional durations for automatic Order update in the Order preferences
- the panel that comes up when you drag an image onto another image in Preview mode now has a checkbox for remembering your decision and not showing up again
- category paths in the category search view are truncated at the beginning, not the end
- the "Stop Listing" panel remembers the last selected reason for ending a listing
- all settings from the Code Editor preferences panel are now saved
- the "Show Image" command in the Preview context menu works again
- inventory items no longer forget their costs or sales prices when set to "0.00"
- double-clicking a linked listing in the inventory section shows that listing again
- fixed a bug with importing JPEG images that use a rotation "flag", which caused the image to appear in the wrong orientation in GarageSale's preview mode and on eBay
- the preview no longer shows the "Generating…" message forever, when an error occurred while GarageSale tried to download category data from eBay
- fixed several issues in the code for downloading attribute suggestions from eBay
- deleting an image from in Preview mode now triggers a reload the of Preview
- altering the SKU field in the variations panel no longer erases the bar code of that variation
- the bid count label in the outline view updates when new bids are received
- when exporting your orders to a CSV file, commas are correctly escaped
- revising auto-accept and auto-decline prices works when the "Best Offer" option has been selected from the list of properties in the Revise Panel
- the "Create Link" button in Preview format toolbar can be used to modify existing links
- various crash fixes
Grab the latest GarageSale version from here. If you have any question, feel free to contact us.
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October 24th, 2019:
GarageSale 8, a major upgrade to our eBay client for the Mac, is out.
This new version improves performance to let you manage even more listings on your Mac, comes with an improved interface to get your work done more quickly, and offers Mac-to-Mac synching that lets teams collaborate on the same listings.
A complete list of new features and changes is available here.
GarageSale 8 pricing starts at $39.99 for new users, or $19.99 for the upgrade from earlier versions.
(The upgrade is free if you bought your GarageSale license after April, 1st 2018).
We are also introducing a GarageSale Pro subscription for certain users. More details about the new pricing structure can be found here available here.
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