Never miss an auction with GarageBuy 1.6
Tuesday, July 21st, 2009GarageBuy 1.6 is out and brings automatic iCal synchronization to your eBay watch list.
Once enabled in preferences, GarageBuy will create an iCal event for every item you add to your watch list. This event will show up on every mobile device you are synching your calendar to, thus giving you a notification when your watched auction is about to end – no matter where you are. For iPhone users with a MobileMe account these events will synch seamlessly over the air.
GarageBuy 1.6 also adds a set of interface elements to enable or disable the iCal settings for individual auctions. You can also associate a price threshold with every watch list item with the option to remove it once the threshold is reached.

We also gave the watch list icons a complete make over to reflect GarageBuy’s new options:

(This overview is also available from GarageBuy’s help menu.)