GarageSale 9.6 improves listing cross-promotions and make smart groups even smarter

We just released GarageSale 9.6, which, among other things, improves cross-listing promotion capabilities and makes smart groups even smarter.
Cross Promotion: Insert Links to Other Listings You can now add a “cross-promote” link to your item description that links to one of your other running GarageSale listings.
Smarter Smart Groups Smart Groups can now be duplicated! This is helpful if, for example, you have created complex smart groups with many filter rules and want to create another smart group based on these rules. You find the “Duplicate Smart Group” command in the context menu when right-clicking on it.
Also, we have added a new “Days Since Start” smart group rule for listings, a “Days Since Order Received” rule for orders and “Start Time”/”Order Date” as a sorting option for listing/order smart groups. eBay Avatar Profile Images Instead of showing a generic profile image next to your eBay account, GarageSale can now show your eBay avatar image if you have already added one on the eBay profile page.
Changed ZIP code field for calculated shipping Starting in February 2024, eBay will use the ZIP code in the listing location field instead of the “Originating ZIP Code” in the package details settings in GaragSale’s shipping section for calculating shipping rates when using calculated shipping. Please make sure your location details contain the correct ZIP code.
Updated Preview better matches the look of eBay’s latest changes
More Improvements
For a complete list of changes and the download link, please check this page.
If you have questions about GarageSale, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us, either through the GarageSale forum or by contacting us directly.