This schema defines the communication between the IHPayment-Framework and a Transaction Server wird vom TransactionServer vergeben amount to be charged, in Cent (or whatever the fractional part of a specific currency is called) Range: 1...50000 -- 0.01...500.00 currency - saleID - quantity - name (in case the default_name of saleID isn't enough) - netPrice - paid_vat - payload - array of SaleItem's - "payload" can contain further information for the Transaction Server contains all the data entered by the user - name - street - city - zipCode - country - language - mail - vatId tells Transaction Server to create a new transaction - using the specified "ShoppingCart" for "amount" of "currency" (in Cent!) - "userData" (which includes language -> useful for expercash iFrame) Transaction Server response to a TransactionCreateRequest, giving you: - transactionID used to identify this specific transaction (unique on Transaction Server) - ack was request succesful? (also in HTTP return code) asks Transaction Server for details on products specified by id current vat-rate can be requested xslt(s) can be requested returns: - products (array of productType) - vat, if requested - xslt(s), if requested abort transaction, identified by "transactionID" return code in <ack> ... und im HTTP-Status returns URL to a webFrame that should contain a payment-iFrame is expected to include URL for <ack>success</ack> returns URL to payment-iFrame is expected to include URL for <ack>success</ack> request information on the payment state of a transaction returns: - transactionID - payState ... also indicated in the HTTP-Status (:ok => 200 & :payment_required => 402) - might contain responsePayload Base type definition of a response payload that can carry any type of payload content, with following (optional) elements: - acknowledgement of *Request - list of errors (optional) A token representing the application-level acknowledgement code that indicates the response status (e.g., success). The AckCodeType list specifies the possible values for Ack. A list of application-level errors (if any) that occurred when the Transaction Server processed the request. Base type definition of a request payload that can carry any type of payload content, with following optional elements: - __for future additions__ Takes AbstractResponseType and adds: - transactionID Takes AbstractRequestType and adds: - transactionID